all postcodes in SL1 / IVER

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Postcode Area

SL / Slough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SL1 5TD 37 1 51.512495 -0.638385
SL1 5TE 1 0 51.512034 -0.640488
SL1 5TF 7 0 51.512485 -0.640576
SL1 5TG 13 0 51.511076 -0.64167
SL1 5TH 17 0 51.511237 -0.642328
SL1 5TJ 6 1 51.511465 -0.63954
SL1 5TL 18 0 51.512087 -0.641222
SL1 5TN 14 0 51.511385 -0.64117
SL1 5TP 6 0 51.511759 -0.631562
SL1 5TQ 38 0 51.510648 -0.641942
SL1 5TR 11 0 51.511666 -0.632833
SL1 5TS 31 0 51.512603 -0.643051
SL1 5TT 45 0 51.511319 -0.644011
SL1 5TU 13 0 51.511287 -0.64273
SL1 5TW 11 0 51.512404 -0.641356
SL1 5TX 20 0 51.512024 -0.64278
SL1 5TY 36 0 51.512084 -0.633987
SL1 5TZ 21 0 51.511983 -0.632276
SL1 5UA 17 0 51.510691 -0.643324
SL1 5UB 64 0 51.510894 -0.644514