all postcodes in SL1 / IVER

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Postcode Area

SL / Slough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SL1 6HN 24 0 51.525029 -0.655482
SL1 6HP 16 0 51.528653 -0.654712
SL1 6HQ 13 0 51.524344 -0.653772
SL1 6HS 8 0 51.528775 -0.655155
SL1 6HT 20 0 51.527226 -0.655749
SL1 6HW 52 2 51.526871 -0.655341
SL1 6JA 36 15 51.520488 -0.642197
SL1 6JB 21 0 51.52099 -0.646722
SL1 6JD 11 0 51.524049 -0.646113
SL1 6JE 12 0 51.520516 -0.6555
SL1 6JF 13 0 51.520712 -0.655393
SL1 6JH 54 0 51.520812 -0.64298
SL1 6JJ 32 7 51.52115 -0.644959
SL1 6JL 4 0 51.522092 -0.64558
SL1 6JN 29 0 51.521424 -0.646147
SL1 6JP 19 0 51.522 -0.646173
SL1 6JR 53 0 51.522467 -0.647659
SL1 6JS 53 0 51.522891 -0.64779
SL1 6JT 2 2 51.523432 -0.646156
SL1 6JU 66 0 51.523811 -0.648094