all postcodes in SL4 / WINDSOR

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Postcode Area

SL / Slough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SL4 6DN 1 0 51.492944 -0.608271
SL4 6DP 6 0 51.492556 -0.608196
SL4 6DQ 4 0 51.49115 -0.608496
SL4 6DR 7 0 51.491631 -0.609648
SL4 6DS 6 0 51.491805 -0.609902
SL4 6DT 3 0 51.492512 -0.60899
SL4 6DU 12 1 51.494391 -0.611897
SL4 6DW 1 1 51.492092 -0.608337
SL4 6DX 1 0 51.492292 -0.610192
SL4 6DY 4 0 51.492437 -0.610862
SL4 6DZ 1 0 51.492879 -0.611182
SL4 6EA 1 0 51.492925 -0.61049
SL4 6EB 3 0 51.493143 -0.610713
SL4 6ED 1 0 51.493497 -0.610919
SL4 6EE 5 0 51.493438 -0.612073
SL4 6EF 1 0 51.493936 -0.611568
SL4 6EG 2 0 51.493976 -0.61325
SL4 6EH 1 0 51.493234 -0.610048
SL4 6EJ 1 0 51.493807 -0.609639
SL4 6EL 1 0 51.491449 -0.610376