all postcodes in SL5 / ASCOT

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Postcode Area

SL / Slough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SL5 8FL 1 0 51.401787 -0.65342
SL5 8HA 8 0 51.415941 -0.697958
SL5 8HB 9 0 51.417097 -0.696789
SL5 8HD 6 0 51.414669 -0.698411
SL5 8HE 25 0 51.415558 -0.697509
SL5 8HF 9 0 51.416857 -0.696307
SL5 8HG 8 0 51.413947 -0.699783
SL5 8HH 16 0 51.416291 -0.700407
SL5 8HJ 30 0 51.417362 -0.701283
SL5 8HL 28 0 51.417628 -0.700944
SL5 8HN 12 2 51.41703 -0.69889
SL5 8HP 14 0 51.417243 -0.697791
SL5 8HQ 28 0 51.415858 -0.700218
SL5 8HR 46 0 51.418326 -0.700637
SL5 8HS 8 0 51.416728 -0.697619
SL5 8HT 8 0 51.416559 -0.698573
SL5 8HU 32 0 51.416788 -0.701385
SL5 8HW 32 0 51.417967 -0.70069
SL5 8HX 30 0 51.41553 -0.700702
SL5 8HY 6 0 51.414942 -0.698748