all postcodes in SN1 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN1 4DB 0 51.551811 -1.779662
SN1 4DE 1 51.55125 -1.778107
SN1 4DG 1 51.548524 -1.777125
SN1 4DH 0 51.545977 -1.780483
SN1 4DJ 0 51.545654 -1.780644
SN1 4DL 0 51.545371 -1.783385
SN1 4DN 0 51.545218 -1.778468
SN1 4DP 0 51.543501 -1.778491
SN1 4DQ 0 51.547285 -1.777838
SN1 4DR 0 51.543268 -1.779256
SN1 4DS 0 51.543109 -1.780858
SN1 4DT 0 51.543182 -1.781348
SN1 4DU 0 51.544711 -1.781499
SN1 4DW 0 51.545076 -1.779276
SN1 4DX 0 51.544236 -1.782467
SN1 4DY 0 51.543803 -1.781763
SN1 4DZ 0 51.544171 -1.781112
SN1 4EA 0 51.542282 -1.780573
SN1 4EB 0 51.542547 -1.778395
SN1 4ED 0 51.541112 -1.779988