all postcodes in SN11 / CALNE

find any address or company within the SN11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN11 8JP 1 0 51.427521 -1.993809
SN11 8JQ 33 4 51.439759 -2.004224
SN11 8JR 10 0 51.427908 -1.993939
SN11 8JS 12 0 51.426593 -1.992465
SN11 8JT 10 0 51.427044 -1.992127
SN11 8JU 14 0 51.427629 -1.99135
SN11 8JX 40 1 51.426793 -1.990156
SN11 8JY 5 0 51.426603 -1.987826
SN11 8JZ 3 0 51.426109 -1.988905
SN11 8LA 20 0 51.426538 -1.984813
SN11 8LB 8 0 51.426594 -1.982361
SN11 8LD 25 0 51.426324 -1.979383
SN11 8LE 1 0 51.425784 -1.98098
SN11 8LF 12 0 51.426609 -1.976111
SN11 8LG 5 0 51.426395 -1.976449
SN11 8LH 12 0 51.43591 -1.993377
SN11 8LJ 15 0 51.436135 -1.993592
SN11 8LL 11 0 51.436144 -1.992485
SN11 8LN 18 0 51.435416 -1.993607
SN11 8LP 29 0 51.436216 -1.994125