all postcodes in SN11 / CALNE

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN11 9PF 16 0 51.431271 -2.063301
SN11 9PG 1 0 51.419656 -2.05956
SN11 9PH 6 0 51.434643 -2.064341
SN11 9PJ 27 0 51.43649 -2.073378
SN11 9PL 13 13 51.452723 -1.996735
SN11 9PP 8 6 51.452005 -1.997893
SN11 9PQ 1 1 51.427292 -2.054996
SN11 9PS 3 2 51.446448 -1.997289
SN11 9PT 36 28 51.449819 -1.996793
SN11 9PU 20 15 51.450898 -1.999138
SN11 9QS 54 0 51.448049 -2.006642
SN11 9PW 21 0 51.45098 -2.007535
SN11 9PX 11 10 51.451446 -1.998649
SN11 9QA 25 0 51.445495 -1.997419
SN11 9QB 19 0 51.448445 -2.002282
SN11 9QD 15 0 51.448067 -2.002513
SN11 9QE 17 0 51.447842 -2.003203
SN11 9QF 22 0 51.448094 -2.00388
SN11 9QG 24 0 51.447024 -2.003074
SN11 9QH 25 0 51.448588 -2.001333