all postcodes in SN11 / CALNE

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN11 8BU 11 0 51.442393 -1.9948
SN11 8BX 4 0 51.442915 -1.995289
SN11 8BY 24 0 51.441188 -1.997534
SN11 8BZ 17 0 51.442429 -1.996009
SN11 8DD 4 0 51.43823 -2.001275
SN11 8DF 11 0 51.436774 -2.002943
SN11 8DG 26 0 51.436504 -2.001908
SN11 8DH 2 0 51.435549 -2.002001
SN11 8DJ 17 0 51.436108 -2.002728
SN11 8DL 8 0 51.435901 -2.000037
SN11 8DP 15 1 51.437556 -2.002296
SN11 8DQ 13 0 51.435704 -2.001562
SN11 8DR 8 0 51.437601 -2.001088
SN11 8DT 1 0 51.437583 -2.000196
SN11 8DU 22 0 51.436926 -1.999894
SN11 8DX 12 1 51.436142 -1.998664
SN11 8DY 1 0 51.435919 -1.997923
SN11 8DZ 5 0 51.435342 -1.997585
SN11 8EA 23 0 51.434463 -1.997117
SN11 8EZ 7 0 51.433186 -1.996887