all postcodes in SN12 / MELKSHAM

find any address or company within the SN12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN12 6RT 0 51.355606 -2.064546
SN12 6RU 0 51.349794 -2.0712
SN12 6RW 3 51.357318 -2.06931
SN12 6RX 2 51.345071 -2.075227
SN12 6RY 0 51.337272 -2.079995
SN12 6RZ 0 51.342897 -2.085403
SN12 6SA 1 51.346662 -2.087635
SN12 6SB 0 51.360934 -2.125149
SN12 6SD 0 51.360816 -2.126656
SN12 6SE 0 51.359783 -2.124944
SN12 6SF 0 51.358804 -2.124396
SN12 6SG 0 51.359143 -2.127154
SN12 6SH 0 51.3597 -2.126797
SN12 6SJ 0 51.357676 -2.127897
SN12 6SL 0 51.359737 -2.126036
SN12 6SN 1 51.357913 -2.125313
SN12 6SP 30 51.356513 -2.131096
SN12 6SQ 0 51.358874 -2.12599
SN12 6SS 22 51.359362 -2.132009
SN12 6ST 0 51.358424 -2.126233