all postcodes in SN14 / CHIPPENHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN14 0YH 9 0 51.449137 -2.144802
SN14 0YJ 12 0 51.449001 -2.145478
SN14 0YL 9 0 51.451947 -2.148351
SN14 0YN 8 0 51.451713 -2.148639
SN14 0YP 18 0 51.451562 -2.147257
SN14 0YQ 33 0 51.451672 -2.145775
SN14 0YR 18 0 51.453233 -2.148442
SN14 0YS 7 0 51.453015 -2.149895
SN14 0YT 7 0 51.452629 -2.149289
SN14 0YW 21 0 51.451949 -2.146754
SN14 0YZ 1 1 51.46607 -2.150413
SN14 0ES 0 51.459909 -2.129349
SN14 0WT 1 1 51.445789 -2.147209
SN14 0PE 7 0 51.456743 -2.138566
SN14 0JQ 9 0 51.46049 -2.132086
SN14 0FH 0 51.452402 -2.136336
SN14 0FJ 3 51.4472 -2.147094
SN14 0FN 10 0 51.46253 -2.124213