all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 1HJ 10 51.462187 -2.118099
SN15 1HL 8 51.462132 -2.118675
SN15 1HP 5 51.463031 -2.118082
SN15 1HS 10 51.463069 -2.117483
SN15 1HW 6 51.462259 -2.117274
SN15 1HZ 0 51.463643 -2.117565
SN15 1JA 2 51.462691 -2.117136
SN15 1JB 4 51.464013 -2.116026
SN15 1JD 1 51.464891 -2.144161
SN15 1JF 0 51.464824 -2.115011
SN15 1JG 10 51.463322 -2.115526
SN15 1JJ 1 51.464891 -2.144161
SN15 1JL 1 51.464891 -2.144161
SN15 1JR 2 51.462354 -2.121828
SN15 1JS 0 51.46298 -2.124579
SN15 1JT 0 51.463313 -2.124551
SN15 1JU 1 51.461826 -2.119351
SN15 1JW 3 51.461518 -2.120266
SN15 1JX 1 51.462633 -2.121541
SN15 1JY 0 51.462203 -2.120273