all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

find any address or company within the SN15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 1BA 0 51.47014 -2.113282
SN15 1BB 0 51.470902 -2.116049
SN15 1BD 0 51.471452 -2.114322
SN15 1BE 0 51.470525 -2.113782
SN15 1BG 0 51.470977 -2.112982
SN15 1BH 0 51.471633 -2.112696
SN15 1BJ 0 51.464347 -2.115586
SN15 1BL 0 51.465623 -2.116611
SN15 1BN 11 51.473348 -2.122946
SN15 1BP 3 51.464346 -2.116421
SN15 1BQ 0 51.472048 -2.111934
SN15 1BS 1 51.464653 -2.116119
SN15 1BT 0 51.465552 -2.115301
SN15 1BU 1 51.465716 -2.113862
SN15 1BX 0 51.465713 -2.115671
SN15 1BY 0 51.46619 -2.116065
SN15 1BZ 0 51.466669 -2.114022
SN15 1DA 0 51.467416 -2.112772
SN15 1DB 0 51.467244 -2.114341
SN15 1DD 0 51.468439 -2.114876