all postcodes in SN16 / MALMESBURY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN16 9DN 9 1 51.601729 -2.048378
SN16 9DP 5 0 51.600264 -2.047741
SN16 9DQ 16 0 51.598417 -2.055304
SN16 9DR 12 1 51.597949 -2.03502
SN16 9DS 12 0 51.587181 -2.017388
SN16 9DT 3 0 51.583506 -2.015518
SN16 9DU 4 0 51.592586 -2.009234
SN16 9DW 3 0 51.603221 -2.04952
SN16 9DX 8 0 51.601101 -2.00346
SN16 9DY 4 0 51.603373 -2.025971
SN16 9DZ 7 0 51.607301 -2.029814
SN16 9EA 3 0 51.599316 -2.05545
SN16 9EB 6 0 51.599216 -2.057803
SN16 9ED 2 0 51.599632 -2.057004
SN16 9EF 8 0 51.637169 -2.077453
SN16 9EG 6 0 51.633316 -2.069905
SN16 9EH 6 0 51.634131 -2.07075
SN16 9EJ 10 0 51.634258 -2.069464
SN16 9EL 9 0 51.634527 -2.070809
SN16 9EN 29 0 51.636011 -2.070262