all postcodes in SN2 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN2 9TA 1 1 51.560125 -1.777905
SN2 9TH 1 1 51.560125 -1.777905
SN2 9SD 1 51.560278 -1.778135
SN2 9AJ 1 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9BL 1 0 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9DW 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9EE 1 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9FQ 1 0 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9FX 1 0 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9FZ 1 0 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9ET 0 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9EY 1 0 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9GD 1 0 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9GW 1 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9GY 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9HD 1 0 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9HJ 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9HQ 1 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9HS 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 9HT 0 51.551194 -1.725769