all postcodes in SN25 / SWINDON

find any address or company within the SN25 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN25 2BH 21 0 51.600727 -1.818567
SN25 2BJ 17 0 51.60052 -1.818207
SN25 2BL 42 0 51.600832 -1.816531
SN25 2BN 4 0 51.600088 -1.824114
SN25 2BP 27 0 51.599578 -1.825617
SN25 2BQ 8 0 51.601702 -1.826764
SN25 2BS 8 0 51.601935 -1.826287
SN25 2BT 5 0 51.601458 -1.826014
SN25 2BU 10 0 51.600711 -1.825469
SN25 2BW 22 0 51.599855 -1.824375
SN25 2BX 7 0 51.600659 -1.826682
SN25 2BY 12 0 51.601349 -1.825524
SN25 2BZ 18 0 51.599732 -1.826238
SN25 2DA 1 1 51.606182 -1.841432
SN25 2DB 8 0 51.600885 -1.821512
SN25 2DD 45 0 51.60153 -1.820022
SN25 2DE 17 0 51.601046 -1.827431
SN25 2DF 4 0 51.600711 -1.825815
SN25 2DG 44 0 51.601003 -1.822537
SN25 2DJ 25 0 51.598698 -1.826328