all postcodes in SN25 / SWINDON

find any address or company within the SN25 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN25 3LP 14 0 51.588995 -1.792401
SN25 3LQ 72 0 51.586664 -1.79022
SN25 3LR 14 0 51.589331 -1.79393
SN25 3LS 14 0 51.589421 -1.794305
SN25 3LT 14 0 51.588191 -1.795306
SN25 3LU 14 0 51.589811 -1.795804
SN25 3LW 18 1 51.587514 -1.793045
SN25 3LX 14 0 51.589964 -1.796193
SN25 3LY 9 0 51.59047 -1.797793
SN25 3LZ 24 0 51.590688 -1.798658
SN25 3NA 28 0 51.589474 -1.798851
SN25 3NB 4 0 51.589845 -1.79986
SN25 3ND 23 0 51.589759 -1.796901
SN25 3NE 32 0 51.589489 -1.797177
SN25 3NF 17 0 51.588593 -1.793803
SN25 3NG 50 0 51.588372 -1.796041
SN25 3NP 15 0 51.586095 -1.793788
SN25 3NR 32 0 51.586805 -1.794648
SN25 3NS 39 0 51.587864 -1.798353
SN25 3NT 36 9 51.588196 -1.798106