all postcodes in SN25 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN25 2DU 9 1 51.606368 -1.802403
SN25 2DW 4 1 51.606998 -1.804044
SN25 2EH 25 0 51.605931 -1.805926
SN25 2DX 1 0 51.607282 -1.807393
SN25 2DY 6 1 51.60952 -1.812265
SN25 2DZ 4 0 51.605134 -1.829945
SN25 2EB 24 0 51.600595 -1.809024
SN25 2EF 19 0 51.601144 -1.826333
SN25 2EG 17 0 51.601044 -1.814263
SN25 2EJ 11 0 51.606669 -1.806067
SN25 2EL 36 0 51.602202 -1.807299
SN25 2EQ 38 0 51.600646 -1.812287
SN25 2ER 20 0 51.601529 -1.807865
SN25 2EZ 40 0 51.602246 -1.823961
SN25 2EX 1 1 51.602817 -1.803788
SN25 2FE 28 0 51.601415 -1.804271
SN25 2FF 29 0 51.600443 -1.803683
SN25 2FG 8 0 51.60163 -1.803764
SN25 2FQ 16 0 51.601512 -1.803346
SN25 2HG 60 0 51.602513 -1.810316