all postcodes in SN3 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN3 1DL 17 0 51.55594 -1.766819
SN3 1DN 24 0 51.555589 -1.766706
SN3 1DP 24 0 51.55587 -1.763055
SN3 1DR 11 0 51.556422 -1.760643
SN3 1DS 16 0 51.556632 -1.761868
SN3 1DT 16 0 51.557062 -1.761361
SN3 1DU 39 0 51.557326 -1.762701
SN3 1DW 22 0 51.55543 -1.76362
SN3 1DX 34 0 51.556358 -1.764437
SN3 1DY 24 0 51.556535 -1.763167
SN3 1DZ 29 0 51.556379 -1.765851
SN3 1EA 18 1 51.558188 -1.76662
SN3 1EE 20 0 51.555624 -1.770701
SN3 1EG 29 0 51.555234 -1.76903
SN3 1EH 14 0 51.554259 -1.766842
SN3 1EJ 24 0 51.554022 -1.765473
SN3 1EL 8 0 51.553623 -1.7636
SN3 1EP 6 0 51.554929 -1.764618
SN3 1EQ 37 0 51.555023 -1.766968
SN3 1ER 19 1 51.555105 -1.762843