all postcodes in SN3 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN3 2RA 4 0 51.561989 -1.748381
SN3 2RB 35 0 51.561089 -1.747838
SN3 2RD 17 0 51.561524 -1.749639
SN3 2RE 8 0 51.560699 -1.750437
SN3 2RF 50 0 51.558902 -1.751052
SN3 2RG 25 0 51.559128 -1.751484
SN3 2RH 16 0 51.558628 -1.753463
SN3 2RJ 42 2 51.556256 -1.754341
SN3 2RL 45 0 51.559321 -1.749305
SN3 2RN 12 0 51.558755 -1.749755
SN3 2RP 29 0 51.559534 -1.747962
SN3 2RQ 42 0 51.559362 -1.751786
SN3 2RR 7 0 51.559057 -1.74808
SN3 2RS 20 0 51.559618 -1.749664
SN3 2RW 51 1 51.559212 -1.748714
SN3 2SX 1 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN3 2GY 0 51.555351 -1.75586
SN3 2GG 0 51.556972 -1.756818
SN3 2GX 41 0 51.555882 -1.756146
SN3 2GW 22 0 51.555776 -1.75681