all postcodes in SN3 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN3 5BB 0 51.565138 -1.732913
SN3 5BD 1 51.565194 -1.733966
SN3 5BE 0 51.564843 -1.733852
SN3 5BG 1 51.564402 -1.733537
SN3 5BH 0 51.569936 -1.731326
SN3 5BJ 0 51.570825 -1.730715
SN3 5BL 0 51.569071 -1.738646
SN3 5BN 0 51.565009 -1.727402
SN3 5BP 0 51.5642 -1.727754
SN3 5BQ 0 51.569876 -1.732683
SN3 5BS 0 51.564466 -1.730103
SN3 5BT 0 51.564333 -1.730624
SN3 5BU 0 51.563209 -1.730731
SN3 5BW 0 51.564724 -1.728991
SN3 5BX 0 51.562803 -1.730171
SN3 5BY 3 51.564416 -1.731604
SN3 5BZ 1 51.562528 -1.732005
SN3 5DA 3 51.560205 -1.730302
SN3 5DB 0 51.565558 -1.723836
SN3 5DD 0 51.565125 -1.723449