all postcodes in SN38 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN38 1RD 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1RE 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1RP 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1RQ 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1RR 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1RS 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1RT 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1SA 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1SB 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1SD 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1SN 1 51.540413 -1.776703
SN38 1SP 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1SS 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1ST 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1SY 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1TA 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1TB 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1TD 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1TE 1 51.57227 -1.83676
SN38 1TH 1 51.57227 -1.83676