all postcodes in SN4 / MALMESBURY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN4 8YX 1 1 51.53232 -1.900248
SN4 8YY 1 1 51.53232 -1.900248
SN4 8YZ 1 1 51.53232 -1.900248
SN4 8YF 1 1 51.53232 -1.900248
SN4 8ZA 1 1 51.53232 -1.900248
SN4 8EN 1 51.540189 -1.902091
SN4 8FD 0 51.538345 -1.89095
SN4 8FL 0 51.539424 -1.890817
SN4 8FA 1 51.538646 -1.886436
SN4 8FE 0 51.540035 -1.891176
SN4 8FG 0 51.538678 -1.891381
SN4 8FH 0 51.538767 -1.890545
SN4 8FJ 0 51.537626 -1.891326
SN4 8FN 0 51.537959 -1.891671
SN4 8GA 0 51.539269 -1.88926
SN4 8FF 63 0 51.545048 -1.886737
SN4 8FP 37 0 51.544689 -1.887358
SN4 8JB 0 51.544969 -1.896968
SN4 8JD 0 51.545193 -1.895871
SN4 8FB 29 0 51.540511 -1.889451