all postcodes in SN4 / MALMESBURY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN4 9BA 24 1 51.528127 -1.78942
SN4 9BB 20 0 51.528461 -1.790067
SN4 9BD 13 0 51.536033 -1.785592
SN4 9BE 9 0 51.533729 -1.784161
SN4 9BN 46 0 51.530131 -1.78843
SN4 9BP 20 0 51.52994 -1.787177
SN4 9BS 12 2 51.525383 -1.787808
SN4 9BU 23 3 51.527325 -1.7879
SN4 9BW 26 0 51.529941 -1.787884
SN4 9BX 3 0 51.525004 -1.787204
SN4 9BY 8 3 51.526412 -1.785291
SN4 9BZ 3 0 51.527781 -1.776924
SN4 9DD 1 1 51.525325 -1.786161
SN4 9DG 26 0 51.521328 -1.793617
SN4 9DH 25 0 51.528816 -1.792257
SN4 9DJ 12 2 51.529265 -1.791981
SN4 9DL 18 2 51.53059 -1.793147
SN4 9DN 40 0 51.529496 -1.790322
SN4 9DR 26 0 51.521628 -1.794586
SN4 9DS 43 0 51.529827 -1.794789