all postcodes in SN6 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN6 7SY 0 51.637675 -1.751041
SN6 7SZ 0 51.638217 -1.761153
SN6 7TA 0 51.644588 -1.768042
SN6 7TB 0 51.646871 -1.77238
SN6 7TD 0 51.651242 -1.777735
SN6 7TJ 1 51.6313 -1.70792
SN6 7TL 0 51.631329 -1.708902
SN6 7UY 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN6 7WJ 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN6 7XA 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN6 7XQ 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN6 7NS 8 5 51.640737 -1.710215
SN6 7WS 1 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN6 7SF 1 51.606101 -1.744499
SN6 7WP 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN6 7AE 50 0 51.62869 -1.710812
SN6 7FD 6 0 51.630383 -1.711812
SN6 7FE 6 0 51.630302 -1.711784
SN6 7FG 0 51.629321 -1.711198
SN6 7GQ 0 51.610356 -1.699722