all postcodes in SN6 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN6 6DF 6 51.642498 -1.855179
SN6 6DG 0 51.644898 -1.855143
SN6 6DH 0 51.654497 -1.864642
SN6 6DJ 0 51.657099 -1.867598
SN6 6DL 0 51.659706 -1.869639
SN6 6DN 0 51.659367 -1.871736
SN6 6DP 0 51.661315 -1.869172
SN6 6DQ 0 51.649001 -1.857139
SN6 6DR 0 51.659013 -1.868745
SN6 6DS 0 51.659846 -1.866632
SN6 6EG 0 51.658604 -1.865248
SN6 6DT 0 51.658276 -1.86921
SN6 6DU 0 51.643462 -1.856968
SN6 6DW 0 51.663575 -1.877425
SN6 6DX 0 51.658363 -1.866434
SN6 6DY 0 51.641206 -1.857308
SN6 6DZ 0 51.64149 -1.854821
SN6 6EA 0 51.640967 -1.853074
SN6 6EB 0 51.63843 -1.859282
SN6 6ED 0 51.638096 -1.858647