all postcodes in SN7 / FARINGDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN7 7HJ 0 51.658317 -1.584983
SN7 7HL 9 51.658693 -1.583376
SN7 7HN 1 51.658242 -1.583091
SN7 7HP 10 51.658047 -1.583888
SN7 7HQ 1 51.658182 -1.58497
SN7 7HU 7 51.658417 -1.584318
SN7 7HW 1 51.658753 -1.583447
SN7 7HX 1 51.658758 -1.582348
SN7 7HY 5 51.658405 -1.586992
SN7 7HZ 1 51.658561 -1.587843
SN7 7JA 3 51.658117 -1.586893
SN7 7JB 1 51.658758 -1.582348
SN7 7JE 3 51.657267 -1.585427
SN7 7JF 1 51.656577 -1.585086
SN7 7JG 0 51.655605 -1.58576
SN7 7JH 0 51.655377 -1.584837
SN7 7JJ 0 51.658417 -1.585286
SN7 7JL 0 51.656563 -1.586156
SN7 7JN 1 51.657331 -1.588346
SN7 7JP 8 51.657519 -1.585598