all postcodes in SN7 / FARINGDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN7 8BE 0 51.654921 -1.59071
SN7 8BG 0 51.660613 -1.592495
SN7 8BH 0 51.670315 -1.611177
SN7 8BJ 1 51.682439 -1.627331
SN7 8BL 1 51.662479 -1.638121
SN7 8BN 0 51.670701 -1.634556
SN7 8BP 0 51.675715 -1.642412
SN7 8BQ 0 51.666662 -1.606017
SN7 8BS 0 51.674237 -1.655034
SN7 8BT 0 51.669843 -1.652797
SN7 8BU 1 51.669839 -1.652811
SN7 8BW 0 51.662022 -1.633671
SN7 8BX 0 51.679303 -1.660592
SN7 8BY 0 51.676137 -1.66669
SN7 8BZ 0 51.676206 -1.667356
SN7 8DA 3 51.677382 -1.668041
SN7 8DB 0 51.656209 -1.588891
SN7 8DD 0 51.657044 -1.588508
SN7 8DE 0 51.676674 -1.667453
SN7 8DF 0 51.677674 -1.672912