all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 4BF 4 0 51.419196 -1.717775
SN8 4BG 22 0 51.418888 -1.716163
SN8 4BH 23 0 51.417773 -1.716213
SN8 4BJ 14 0 51.418082 -1.713896
SN8 4BL 6 0 51.418967 -1.715472
SN8 4BN 6 0 51.418019 -1.725185
SN8 4BP 5 0 51.417799 -1.715652
SN8 4BQ 36 0 51.417688 -1.718098
SN8 4BS 17 1 51.418122 -1.726982
SN8 4BT 10 0 51.419 -1.725409
SN8 4BU 2 0 51.418433 -1.726063
SN8 4BX 39 1 51.417363 -1.729172
SN8 4BY 31 7 51.418002 -1.729169
SN8 4BZ 1 0 51.418387 -1.728663
SN8 4DA 1 1 51.417901 -1.729345
SN8 4DB 1 1 51.418517 -1.72662
SN8 4DD 3 0 51.415884 -1.731022
SN8 4DE 32 1 51.416239 -1.729107
SN8 4DF 5 0 51.408506 -1.790487
SN8 4DG 2 0 51.41547 -1.731459