all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 1BE 13 9 51.419875 -1.730667
SN8 1BG 25 0 51.42622 -1.729192
SN8 1BH 6 0 51.425051 -1.725287
SN8 1BJ 24 0 51.424873 -1.725906
SN8 1BL 7 0 51.425805 -1.728504
SN8 1BN 8 0 51.425542 -1.727715
SN8 1BP 14 0 51.424705 -1.727259
SN8 1BQ 12 0 51.424868 -1.72408
SN8 1BS 28 0 51.425058 -1.728293
SN8 1BT 12 0 51.424228 -1.72787
SN8 1BU 5 0 51.423453 -1.726361
SN8 1BW 23 0 51.425123 -1.7294
SN8 1BX 6 0 51.423535 -1.727036
SN8 1BY 3 0 51.42376 -1.727671
SN8 1BZ 12 0 51.423501 -1.727612
SN8 1DA 12 0 51.423996 -1.727853
SN8 1DB 8 0 51.423885 -1.726372
SN8 1DD 16 0 51.424209 -1.726543
SN8 1DE 8 0 51.424189 -1.725867
SN8 1DF 14 0 51.423244 -1.729181