all postcodes in SN9 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN9 6BQ 1 51.294335 -1.778658
SN9 6BS 0 51.296978 -1.773898
SN9 6BT 0 51.298514 -1.773144
SN9 6BU 0 51.297649 -1.772202
SN9 6BW 0 51.297099 -1.771344
SN9 6BX 0 51.29204 -1.777536
SN9 6DB 0 51.263766 -1.795215
SN9 6DD 1 51.260553 -1.798955
SN9 6DE 0 51.2533 -1.787929
SN9 6DF 0 51.254297 -1.780011
SN9 6DH 0 51.25686 -1.800591
SN9 6DJ 0 51.263425 -1.800964
SN9 6DN 0 51.263394 -1.79354
SN9 6DP 0 51.292912 -1.808323
SN9 6DQ 0 51.251927 -1.792287
SN9 6DR 1 51.302524 -1.813791
SN9 6DS 0 51.298712 -1.808614
SN9 6DT 0 51.297112 -1.808491
SN9 6DU 0 51.295639 -1.809961
SN9 6DW 0 51.262627 -1.79221