all postcodes in SN9 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN9 6EX 0 51.302413 -1.832243
SN9 6EY 0 51.304201 -1.834785
SN9 6EZ 1 51.301652 -1.837806
SN9 6FA 0 51.294924 -1.806794
SN9 6HA 0 51.304683 -1.85194
SN9 6HB 0 51.314218 -1.85817
SN9 6HD 0 51.314415 -1.854792
SN9 6HE 1 51.314234 -1.846543
SN9 6HF 0 51.326529 -1.848899
SN9 6HG 0 51.326606 -1.860279
SN9 6HH 0 51.331446 -1.878464
SN9 6HJ 0 51.332617 -1.867013
SN9 6HL 0 51.332563 -1.864438
SN9 6HN 0 51.333987 -1.852104
SN9 6HP 1 51.336369 -1.847407
SN9 6HQ 0 51.332548 -1.875117
SN9 6HT 0 51.321039 -1.787857
SN9 6HU 0 51.322327 -1.795777
SN9 6HW 0 51.331501 -1.848538
SN9 6HX 0 51.322201 -1.796079