all postcodes in SO14 / SOUTHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO14 3EZ 0 50.89857 -1.402715
SO14 3FA 0 50.898421 -1.391327
SO14 3FD 8 50.897598 -1.39731
SO14 3FE 6 50.898474 -1.396365
SO14 3FH 17 50.89716 -1.394377
SO14 3FJ 8 50.896869 -1.39375
SO14 3FL 17 50.898445 -1.388895
SO14 3FN 0 50.896642 -1.395061
SO14 3FP 0 50.898455 -1.390848
SO14 3FR 4 50.897922 -1.392187
SO14 3FS 2 50.898457 -1.393066
SO14 3FU 0 50.896548 -1.399385
SO14 3FW 0 50.898213 -1.391017
SO14 3FX 0 50.897148 -1.393747
SO14 3FY 0 50.896609 -1.395545
SO14 3FZ 0 50.896609 -1.395545
SO14 3GD 1 50.897612 -1.391281
SO14 3GF 3 50.891139 -1.396858
SO14 3GH 1 50.917776 -1.386821
SO14 3GJ 0 50.89695 -1.402423