all postcodes in SO15 / SOUTHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO15 3TG 1 1 50.921521 -1.432071
SO15 3TH 1 1 50.920553 -1.430859
SO15 3TS 1 1 50.919476 -1.429407
SO15 3TU 1 1 50.923178 -1.434261
SO15 3TX 1 1 50.923014 -1.433973
SO15 3UA 1 1 50.916921 -1.429068
SO15 3UN 1 1 50.921956 -1.432677
SO15 3US 4 3 50.909568 -1.42253
SO15 3ZS 1 0 50.91924 -1.430789
SO15 3LN 10 0 50.914581 -1.426991
SO15 3WX 1 50.91924 -1.430789
SO15 3NB 14 0 50.910452 -1.422946
SO15 3NQ 0 50.908911 -1.41692
SO15 3NR 0 50.910577 -1.426307
SO15 3NS 0 50.919037 -1.429782
SO15 3NU 0 50.919254 -1.429993
SO15 3NW 0 50.915448 -1.425914