all postcodes in SO18 / SOUTHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO18 2FG 2 50.929648 -1.356983
SO18 2FH 0 50.930076 -1.357873
SO18 2FJ 0 50.92989 -1.358491
SO18 2FL 0 50.929277 -1.358226
SO18 2FN 3 50.92895 -1.357533
SO18 2FP 0 50.927727 -1.357578
SO18 2FQ 0 50.926325 -1.356089
SO18 2FR 0 50.925761 -1.354949
SO18 2FW 0 50.933435 -1.36877
SO18 2FX 0 50.93399 -1.368322
SO18 2FY 1 50.934252 -1.365258
SO18 2FZ 0 50.934337 -1.364346
SO18 2GA 8 50.933392 -1.36406
SO18 2GB 0 50.933008 -1.363041
SO18 2GD 0 50.932768 -1.363571
SO18 2GE 0 50.931904 -1.363383
SO18 2GF 2 50.931801 -1.357764
SO18 2GG 0 50.930236 -1.359241
SO18 2GH 0 50.928801 -1.358232
SO18 2GJ 0 50.928422 -1.358081