all postcodes in SO20 / STOCKBRIDGE

find any address or company within the SO20 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO20 6RJ 1 51.077023 -1.452295
SO20 6RL 1 51.067964 -1.428344
SO20 6RN 0 51.072732 -1.485474
SO20 6RP 0 51.077493 -1.488476
SO20 6RQ 0 51.075416 -1.454712
SO20 6RX 0 51.087772 -1.516305
SO20 6SA 0 51.097766 -1.532752
SO20 6WE 1 51.067562 -1.297345
SO20 6ZL 1 51.067562 -1.297345
SO20 6ZX 1 51.067562 -1.297345
SO20 6WS 1 51.067557 -1.297333
SO20 6WP 1 51.067562 -1.297345
SO20 6HZ 1 0 51.14097 -1.520695
SO20 6DG 4 0 51.114403 -1.489243
SO20 6FY 3 0 51.082337 -1.517603
SO20 6DQ 21 0 51.071479 -1.484732
SO20 6EW 2 0 51.085216 -1.515005