all postcodes in SO20 / STOCKBRIDGE

find any address or company within the SO20 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO20 6HH 0 51.113052 -1.487313
SO20 6HJ 0 51.114026 -1.479802
SO20 6HL 0 51.115241 -1.484274
SO20 6HN 1 51.111839 -1.473326
SO20 6HW 0 51.105525 -1.467085
SO20 6HP 0 51.117144 -1.440363
SO20 6HS 4 51.11609 -1.512352
SO20 6JA 0 51.110734 -1.489938
SO20 6JB 0 51.102563 -1.491873
SO20 6DF 0 51.098856 -1.4799
SO20 6JE 1 51.109523 -1.486366
SO20 6JF 1 51.129932 -1.476825
SO20 6JG 1 51.136789 -1.464839
SO20 6JH 0 51.112077 -1.488523
SO20 6JJ 0 51.108122 -1.484725
SO20 6JP 0 51.118873 -1.504722
SO20 6JQ 0 51.136997 -1.455374
SO20 6JR 2 51.11603 -1.519639
SO20 6JS 0 51.117473 -1.533954
SO20 6JT 0 51.114341 -1.535556