all postcodes in SO21 / WINCHESTER

find any address or company within the SO21 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO21 1PB 0 51.024394 -1.311543
SO21 1PD 0 51.024416 -1.310759
SO21 1PE 0 51.025364 -1.311401
SO21 1PF 0 51.02601 -1.311149
SO21 1PG 0 51.02498 -1.31182
SO21 1PH 0 51.030843 -1.307312
SO21 1PJ 0 51.029364 -1.315294
SO21 1PL 1 51.035868 -1.317238
SO21 1PP 8 51.115074 -1.254709
SO21 1PQ 0 51.026617 -1.31301
SO21 1PT 1 51.018434 -1.315025
SO21 1PU 0 51.017796 -1.314523
SO21 1PX 0 51.018857 -1.313578
SO21 1PY 1 51.020694 -1.304869
SO21 1PZ 0 51.019453 -1.309378
SO21 1QA 22 51.022368 -1.298969
SO21 1QB 0 51.018738 -1.316146
SO21 1QD 0 51.018912 -1.316814
SO21 1QE 0 51.019073 -1.319706
SO21 1QF 0 51.018797 -1.320237