all postcodes in SO22 / WINCHESTER

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO22 5BE 23 2 51.063012 -1.323201
SO22 5BH 6 0 51.063413 -1.322581
SO22 5BJ 17 0 51.063643 -1.321964
SO22 5BL 12 0 51.063683 -1.322648
SO22 5BN 3 0 51.063688 -1.323505
SO22 5BP 29 1 51.064878 -1.323958
SO22 5BQ 7 0 51.063367 -1.322382
SO22 5BT 53 0 51.065919 -1.322131
SO22 5BU 27 0 51.066321 -1.323138
SO22 5BW 9 0 51.063826 -1.323959
SO22 5BX 16 0 51.065257 -1.332144
SO22 5BY 25 0 51.065853 -1.332521
SO22 5BZ 23 0 51.063362 -1.323096
SO22 5DD 3 3 51.065963 -1.32139
SO22 5DE 19 2 51.062377 -1.326423
SO22 5DF 1 1 51.063141 -1.327853
SO22 5DG 1 1 51.061706 -1.32917
SO22 5DJ 27 1 51.074823 -1.344553
SO22 5DL 17 2 51.0623 -1.330817
SO22 5DN 2 2 51.062303 -1.330734