all postcodes in SO22 / WINCHESTER

find any address or company within the SO22 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO22 6BG 4 0 51.073157 -1.328248
SO22 6BH 25 0 51.072549 -1.327272
SO22 6BJ 30 0 51.072508 -1.324889
SO22 6BL 26 0 51.074145 -1.32802
SO22 6BN 39 0 51.074914 -1.325611
SO22 6BP 8 0 51.074753 -1.32891
SO22 6BS 35 0 51.07454 -1.331069
SO22 6BT 13 0 51.073306 -1.332228
SO22 6BU 2 0 51.074082 -1.332177
SO22 6BW 49 0 51.073912 -1.32494
SO22 6BX 9 0 51.074645 -1.333096
SO22 6DA 11 0 51.070851 -1.325869
SO22 6DB 6 0 51.075476 -1.324874
SO22 6DE 40 0 51.074125 -1.330775
SO22 6DF 14 0 51.073245 -1.331073
SO22 6DG 9 0 51.073103 -1.329748
SO22 6DL 22 1 51.074489 -1.336294
SO22 6DN 38 2 51.076195 -1.326334
SO22 6DP 37 0 51.075418 -1.330528
SO22 6DQ 15 0 51.073925 -1.328851