all postcodes in SO23 / WINCHESTER

find any address or company within the SO23 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO23 3JR 1 51.067562 -1.297345
SO23 3JW 1 51.067562 -1.297345
SO23 3JG 1 51.067557 -1.297333
SO23 3LF 1 1 51.067557 -1.297333
SO23 3LR 1 51.067557 -1.297333
SO23 3LS 1 1 51.067562 -1.297345
SO23 3LT 1 1 51.067562 -1.297345
SO23 3LU 1 1 51.067562 -1.297345
SO23 3LY 1 51.067557 -1.297333
SO23 3NH 1 1 51.067562 -1.297345
SO23 3NP 1 51.067557 -1.297333
SO23 3NR 1 51.067557 -1.297333
SO23 3NT 0 51.067562 -1.297345
SO23 3NU 0 51.067562 -1.297345
SO23 3NW 1 51.067562 -1.297345
SO23 3NX 1 51.067562 -1.297345
SO23 3NZ 1 1 51.067557 -1.297333
SO23 3PA 1 1 51.067557 -1.297333
SO23 3PB 1 1 51.067562 -1.297345
SO23 3NG 1 51.067562 -1.297345