all postcodes in SO23 / WINCHESTER

find any address or company within the SO23 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO23 7FW 0 51.078116 -1.307421
SO23 7FY 0 51.07843 -1.307216
SO23 7GB 0 51.077584 -1.307157
SO23 7GD 0 51.077655 -1.308412
SO23 7GE 0 51.07779 -1.306926
SO23 7GF 0 51.077622 -1.307528
SO23 7GG 0 51.077723 -1.307883
SO23 7GH 0 51.078037 -1.307009
SO23 7GJ 2 0 51.066391 -1.312964
SO23 7TX 5 0 51.099355 -1.304147
SO23 7XL 5 0 51.091481 -1.303237
SO23 7GN 0 51.100951 -1.308008
SO23 7GL 0 51.100495 -1.308457
SO23 7SA 2 2 51.072306 -1.297632
SO23 7GP 10 0 51.07539 -1.31477
SO23 7GQ 24 0 51.094956 -1.294175
SO23 7GR 1 51.073186 -1.293421
SO23 7GS 3 0 51.066159 -1.31331
SO23 7GU 3 0 51.073022 -1.310567
SO23 7GW 3 0 51.093147 -1.301499