all postcodes in SO24 / ALRESFORD

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO24 9DH 5 51.101872 -1.164
SO24 9DJ 0 51.103538 -1.163041
SO24 9DL 0 51.104246 -1.161457
SO24 9DN 0 51.105603 -1.16076
SO24 9DP 0 51.104291 -1.16087
SO24 9DQ 0 51.102 -1.164369
SO24 9DR 0 51.104741 -1.160249
SO24 9DS 0 51.108364 -1.160254
SO24 9DT 0 51.113635 -1.165402
SO24 9DU 0 51.103024 -1.160451
SO24 9DW 0 51.105894 -1.160628
SO24 9DX 1 51.102201 -1.156053
SO24 9DY 0 51.100196 -1.159087
SO24 9DZ 1 51.097163 -1.151946
SO24 9EA 0 51.088917 -1.171357
SO24 9EB 3 51.102724 -1.156143
SO24 9ED 0 51.089921 -1.162702
SO24 9EF 0 51.091124 -1.159881
SO24 9EG 0 51.089992 -1.159544
SO24 9EH 0 51.08985 -1.157805