all postcodes in SO24 / ALRESFORD

find any address or company within the SO24 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO24 0DL 0 51.085879 -1.08065
SO24 0DN 0 51.084354 -1.078338
SO24 0DP 0 51.082909 -1.076969
SO24 0DR 0 51.082894 -1.078454
SO24 0DS 3 51.083101 -1.081347
SO24 0DT 0 51.083043 -1.079763
SO24 0DU 0 51.082688 -1.086653
SO24 0DW 0 51.082172 -1.073614
SO24 0DX 0 51.080722 -1.084793
SO24 0DY 0 51.080911 -1.085874
SO24 0DZ 0 51.082343 -1.083876
SO24 0EA 0 51.082372 -1.078364
SO24 0EB 0 51.083499 -1.093217
SO24 0ED 0 51.082671 -1.101772
SO24 0EE 0 51.082139 -1.10281
SO24 0EF 9 51.080544 -1.099499
SO24 0EG 1 51.080606 -1.096358
SO24 0EH 0 51.079655 -1.08971
SO24 0EJ 0 51.079518 -1.081419
SO24 0EL 0 51.072961 -1.077752