all postcodes in SO24 / ALRESFORD

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO24 0HR 0 51.067946 -1.145658
SO24 0HS 1 51.065653 -1.206866
SO24 0HT 0 51.057147 -1.208353
SO24 0HU 0 51.066303 -1.216631
SO24 0HW 0 51.03782 -1.079846
SO24 0HX 0 51.068243 -1.21704
SO24 0HY 0 51.072174 -1.223169
SO24 0HZ 0 51.077088 -1.197164
SO24 0JA 0 51.082276 -1.08796
SO24 0JE 0 51.049496 -1.125254
SO24 0JG 2 51.066169 -1.109383
SO24 0JH 0 51.056861 -1.103412
SO24 0JJ 0 51.052303 -1.093542
SO24 0JL 0 51.058725 -1.107786
SO24 0JN 1 51.049062 -1.124948
SO24 0JP 0 51.057059 -1.117662
SO24 0JQ 0 51.060321 -1.11252
SO24 0JR 0 51.048849 -1.122884
SO24 0JS 0 51.04683 -1.130753
SO24 0JT 1 51.049123 -1.142937