all postcodes in SO30 / SOUTHAMPTON

find any address or company within the SO30 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO30 0GR 0 50.912232 -1.297982
SO30 0GS 0 50.910882 -1.299368
SO30 0GT 0 50.91081 -1.297918
SO30 0GU 0 50.910507 -1.298321
SO30 0GW 0 50.912227 -1.297257
SO30 0GX 0 50.912208 -1.300002
SO30 0GY 0 50.912517 -1.299027
SO30 0GZ 0 50.913524 -1.297607
SO30 0HG 4 50.912001 -1.303035
SO30 0HH 0 50.911723 -1.303139
SO30 0HJ 0 50.910919 -1.302539
SO30 0HL 0 50.910415 -1.302472
SO30 0HN 0 50.90999 -1.303648
SO30 0HP 0 50.908638 -1.304607
SO30 0HQ 0 50.907937 -1.304703
SO30 0HR 0 50.910458 -1.300612
SO30 0HS 0 50.910524 -1.299601
SO30 0HT 0 50.910109 -1.300859
SO30 0HU 0 50.909567 -1.300497
SO30 0HW 0 50.909801 -1.29904