all postcodes in SO40 / LYNDHURST

find any address or company within the SO40 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO40 0EG 1 50.934266 -1.507993
SO40 0EQ 1 0 50.934266 -1.507993
SO40 0EN 1 1 50.934266 -1.507993
SO40 0GJ 1 0 50.934258 -1.507984
SO40 0EY 1 50.934266 -1.507993
SO40 0DE 1 50.934266 -1.507993
SO40 0FN 1 1 50.934266 -1.507993
SO40 0FP 1 0 50.934266 -1.507993
SO40 0FW 1 1 50.934266 -1.507993
SO40 0FX 1 1 50.934266 -1.507993
SO40 0GD 1 1 50.934266 -1.507993
SO40 0GF 1 1 50.934266 -1.507993
SO40 0GG 1 50.934266 -1.507993
SO40 0ZX 1 50.8701 -1.570615
SO40 0GL 1 1 50.934258 -1.507984