all postcodes in SO40 / LYNDHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO40 8DX 48 2 50.917134 -1.494958
SO40 8DY 12 0 50.916704 -1.497452
SO40 8DZ 23 1 50.917439 -1.496861
SO40 8EA 2 1 50.917297 -1.503256
SO40 8EB 31 1 50.917784 -1.501879
SO40 8ED 26 3 50.916918 -1.503197
SO40 8EE 1 0 50.916396 -1.509618
SO40 8EF 12 0 50.917649 -1.506091
SO40 8EG 10 0 50.918056 -1.506656
SO40 8EH 10 0 50.918214 -1.507707
SO40 8EJ 17 0 50.918816 -1.507772
SO40 8EL 25 0 50.917805 -1.508807
SO40 8EN 8 0 50.917387 -1.507858
SO40 8EP 17 0 50.917575 -1.50989
SO40 8EQ 16 0 50.917771 -1.509476
SO40 8ER 22 0 50.918635 -1.509609
SO40 8ES 17 0 50.918767 -1.508839
SO40 8ET 63 0 50.916124 -1.517687
SO40 8EU 24 0 50.919111 -1.511567
SO40 8EW 21 0 50.917784 -1.518879