all postcodes in SO40 / LYNDHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO40 2HE 4 50.928752 -1.545317
SO40 2HF 0 50.92728 -1.550625
SO40 2HG 0 50.925284 -1.550786
SO40 2HH 0 50.920851 -1.546049
SO40 2HJ 0 50.926646 -1.554231
SO40 2HL 0 50.926553 -1.555726
SO40 2HN 0 50.923909 -1.560389
SO40 2HP 0 50.922189 -1.564574
SO40 2HQ 0 50.921423 -1.566416
SO40 2HR 3 50.919602 -1.565295
SO40 2LB 0 50.918842 -1.547226
SO40 2LF 2 50.914273 -1.558886
SO40 2AU 0 50.914674 -1.553027
SO40 2LG 0 50.913476 -1.562422
SO40 2LH 3 50.911379 -1.55909
SO40 2LJ 0 50.912588 -1.560524
SO40 2LL 2 50.914499 -1.564019
SO40 2LN 0 50.909999 -1.56758
SO40 2LP 0 50.911441 -1.57337
SO40 2LQ 0 50.916107 -1.563791