all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

find any address or company within the SO41 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 0LS 13 0 50.745937 -1.592459
SO41 0LT 19 0 50.747769 -1.591621
SO41 0LU 6 1 50.745162 -1.589348
SO41 0LW 48 0 50.744679 -1.595177
SO41 0LX 6 0 50.727755 -1.613911
SO41 0LY 5 0 50.727248 -1.613037
SO41 0NA 4 0 50.726669 -1.59869
SO41 0NB 5 0 50.72738 -1.601319
SO41 0ND 16 0 50.726672 -1.605015
SO41 0PS 9 1 50.72458 -1.600422
SO41 0NE 27 0 50.726226 -1.605911
SO41 0NF 4 0 50.726026 -1.605127
SO41 0NG 4 0 50.725432 -1.605181
SO41 0NH 26 0 50.724945 -1.604499
SO41 0NJ 6 0 50.725251 -1.604666
SO41 0NL 26 0 50.725742 -1.603515
SO41 0NN 12 0 50.725158 -1.60386
SO41 0NP 12 0 50.724878 -1.603522
SO41 0NQ 12 0 50.72474 -1.602602
SO41 0NR 6 0 50.724634 -1.603028