all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 6DE 0 50.767867 -1.604705
SO41 6DF 1 50.762825 -1.605328
SO41 6DG 3 50.763033 -1.597917
SO41 6DH 0 50.760717 -1.591557
SO41 6DJ 10 50.765445 -1.585674
SO41 6DL 0 50.767989 -1.590424
SO41 6DN 0 50.770004 -1.600992
SO41 6DP 0 50.771709 -1.594879
SO41 6DQ 0 50.789667 -1.607713
SO41 6DR 0 50.790451 -1.608231
SO41 6DS 0 50.790058 -1.609072
SO41 6DT 0 50.789377 -1.609872
SO41 6DU 0 50.791194 -1.609885
SO41 6DW 0 50.788235 -1.609966
SO41 6DX 0 50.788937 -1.610187
SO41 6DY 0 50.789859 -1.614266
SO41 6DZ 0 50.789427 -1.606112
SO41 6EA 0 50.788491 -1.611375
SO41 6EB 0 50.791002 -1.611703
SO41 6ED 0 50.788742 -1.613722